Wild Horse Run Camp

14th to 16th March 2025

Description of the Wild Horse Run Camp:

Whether you’re a first-timer or an old hand at the 200 mile distance, we encourage you to join us in the Bannau Brycheiniog for an informative look at one of the country’s most scenic 200 milers. Group training runs — both day and night — will familiarise you with key sections of the course, and discussion sessions with trail running experts will help you get the most out of your Wild Horse Experience.

What to expect:

We need to manage your expectations. This experience is non competitive. It is about getting to know the South Wales 200 course. It is about getting to know your fellow runner. Build the knowledge and build the relationships that will stand the test of a 200 miler.

The Wild Horse Run Camp will be an enjoyable experience. You can run at your own pace during the trail runs. You can test your abilities however you want to. We’ll be there for you throughout with our event team, expert guides and special guest speakers leading the three informative talks / discussions.


Checkpoints will be approximately every 25 miles and we do allow runners to have their own crew – although it is possible to run un-crewed and we will take extra special care of you.

Of course the checkpoints will include all the goodies you’d expect from a long race – warm food, warm drinks, cold food, cold drinks, medical attention, a morale boosting hug and the odd beer if that get’s you moving forward again. Got a dietary requirement? No problem, just let us know and we will accommodate you.

Weekend Schedule:

Friday, March 14th 2025

17:00 to 18:00 – Runner check in – Wild Horse HQ Crickhowell – 
18:00 to 18:30 – Run Camp Kick Off, Guide Introductions
18:30 to 19:30 – “Tackling the Wild Horse 200” Talk, Guest Speaker
19:30 to 19:50 – Load the shuttles and head for the trail 
20:00 to 01:30 – Trail run / hike on the South Wales 200 Route – 10 miles
23:00 to 01:30 – Late night pizza at the Wild Horse HQ in Crickhowell

Saturday, March 15th 2025

06:30 to 08:00 – Breakfast and Q & A with Running guides and event team
08:00 to 08:20 – Load the shuttles and head for the trail
08:30 to 18:30 – Trail run / hike on the South Wales 200 Route – 20 miles
13:00 to 19:30 – Social, Q&A with Race Director, Trail Running Experts & Event Team in Crickhowell
19:30 to 20:30 – Guest Speaker, Dinner at Wild Horse HQ in Crickhowell
20:30 to 21:30 – Panel featuring Wild Horse 200 Race Director, 200 Mile Veterans and Nutritional Experts

Sunday, March 16th 2025

07:00 to 08:30 – Breakfast and Top tips for pacing, fuelling, hydration and headspace
08:30 to 08:40 – Load shuttles and head for the trail
09:00 to 16:00 – Trail run / hike on the South Wales 200 Route – 10 miles
12:00 to 16:00 – Shuttles from CP4 back to Wild Horse HQ in Crickhowell
13:00 to 18:00 – Social, Q&A with Race Director / Event Team, crewing talk, tapering and farewells

Where will it take place?

The Black Mountains in the Bannau Brycheiniog – a place of myth, legend and the crux of the South Wales 200. This range of mountains are truly awesome and the routes we have planned will give you invaluable experience on the South Wales 200 course. It’s where we live, it’s where we play and this run camp is a must for anyone looking to get the most from their South Wales 200 experience.



Accommodation and food:

Accommodation is included! We have an incredible bunkhouse on the foothills surrounding Crickhowell and this will act as Wild Horse HQ for the duration of the weekend. All workshops and guest speaker gigs will run out of the bunkhouse. Please note, all food will be included for the duration of the weekend – breakfast and dinner. You must bring your own snacks and fuel for the training runs we have planned – this is an invaluable opportunity to test your fuelling plan for the main event.

What to bring:

This Run Camp experience has been crafted for you to test yourself and your kit on the official South Wales 200 course. We’d recommend bringing with you the kit you plan on using during the event. It’s also the perfect opportunity to get to know your fellow runners and learn from them. As a start, you should bring; running shoes, plenty of socks, alternative shoes, shorts, gloves, hats, headlamp, base layer, waterproof, hat, sunglasses, running pack, sun cream (yes we have sun in Wales), water bottles, trekking poles, your planned nutrition for the event.

What’s the cost for the weekend and what’s included?

The total cost for the Wild Horse Run Camp is an early bird special of £355.00 until November 1st 2023. After this date the cost will go up to £395.00. Included in your entry fee will be THREE guided trail runs / hikes, TWO guest speakers doing inspirational talks, TWO adventure workshops on trail running skills specific to 200 miles, TWO nights of accommodation at our beautifully renovated farmhouse, breakfast (Saturday & Sunday), dinner (Friday & Saturday), expert guides, Wild Horse Run Camp tshirt, experienced, dedicated and bloody awesome crew members plus race organisers who have been working in the industry since 2012.

What to expect once you sign up –

A friendly ‘welcome to the party’ (run camp) email will be sent to the email address you registered with. Be sure to join the super duper Wild Horse 200 Group on Facebook here and get to know your fellow runner also attending – we promise they won’t bite!

The next time you will hear from us (directly) will be in the form of an email 6 weeks before the run camp, then another email 4 weeks before the run camp and a final email 2 weeks before the run camp.

Alas that isn’t the last communication – please keep an eye on your mobile for a phone call from our Race Director a couple of days before the run camp is due to take place – don’t worry you haven’t done anything wrong, it’s a peace of mind call to make sure you are ready for the big weekend!

Interested in the Wild Horse Run Camp?

Sign up by selecting the register button on this page. Just let us know you are interested in taking 1 of the 20 available spaces and we’ll come back to you with the finer details. Easy peasy.


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